Monday, 22 February 2010

Day 1

We arrived quite late on Saturday night but considering how much luggage we had it was a relatively stress free journey. We were installed in our new pad in no time.

After a weird nights sleep with all three of us in one bed and waking up at 4am we headed out for an early walk and breakfast. Ruby already perfecting New York cool...

We had ourselves a tiny bit of egg with potatoes and toast and once truly carbed out we started to feel at home again in NY..

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and watching the urban view from our window whilst Ruby screamed 'helloooow woman' and 'helloooow taxi' from the top of her voice.

Ruby couldn't get enough of the views so we took her to the roof of the building.

After a long hard day Ruby took time out to chillax and watch some micky mouse hot dog song

Video tour of the apartment hosted by Al coming soon. xxx


  1. Loving the blog P!!! Keep up the good work! Although Ruby is looking so utterly gorgeous - totally distracts from the NY views! Missing you, Jenny XXX

  2. hehehe wonderfull !!! I love the sofa we are going to sleep on and the view ! Well done Ruby for beeing a cool little NYer all ready.
    Alice, la Pintade de Montmartre
