Saturday, 24 December 2011

A comparative dream

was the rest of December. Wasting 4000 dollars to go stir crazy on a boat, get no sleep and get fat on crap food was a bitter pill to swallow. So we've been busy in the last week or so.

I made a seasons calendar with Ruby that I'm extremely proud of. Best thing I've done since Mr Tabraham so accurately commented on my art report 'Paula doesn't seem to have any particular artistic talent however her drawing of a sewing machine was extraordinary'. It was extraordinary.

Hide and seek (with both kids).

We have done some cupcake decorating however, just to make sure Ruby's come-down from the week-long sugar high wasn't too tough.

1 comment:

  1. Yes sweetheart - it was the crap cruise food that did it...
    Perhaps you should Upper Case the 'e' now Eben's on the scene...? I'm surprised at the favOritism you're showing so early. He's a good kid.
