Sunday, 6 January 2013

Ruby, Eben and Brie

Let's start with the Brie. New York never stops surprising me. Not only that this exists but the fact it's $8.39.

So we decided to try and teach our children what 8.39 is and took them to the museum of maths. A new & brilliant museum. This was a square wheeled bike that you rode along a bumpy thing. Despite my Maths A Level never got to the bottom of why this was a mathematical exhibit.

So on to religion. We did all 8 nights chanukah - we brought Nathan in for some candle lighting, and Ruby made her own menorah.

Ruby has become incredibly fond of the painting shop, we have A MILLION boxes, ornaments and other clay paraphernalia. We tried to take Eben but he ate the paint.

We had a fun trip to Rye to see our old neighbors - a BIG night out in Rye - surreal is the only word for it. The kids enjoyed the train!

Ruby outside her favorite tree in its winter form.

And at home causing endless trouble.

1 comment:

  1. When I see our handsome Eben, I feel sure that it is actually young Ali who has come to the present in a DeLaurean. (Back to the future, for all you uneducated ones.)
